Data for Society

Climate change, energy crisis, mobility revolution – creating communities that are sustainable and livable requires solid information. If we want to make sound decisions, we need sufficient amounts of well-prepared data. Our project highlights the importance of (open) data for communities and communal life and dismantles the barriers that prevent us from accessing those data. 


Foto Petra Klug
Petra Klug
Senior Project Manager
Foto Mario Wiedemann
Mario Wiedemann
Senior Project Manager
Foto Hannah Amsbeck
Hannah Amsbeck
Project Manager
Foto Nina Hauser
Nina Hauser
Project Manager
Foto Petra Beckhoff
Petra Beckhoff
Project Assistant
Foto Silke Hansberg
Silke Hansberg
Senior Project Assistant

Key pillars of our project

Data Portal

Wegweiser Kommune

The data from Wegweiser Kommune (Community Roadmap) make it possible to better understand the developments taking place in communities and to improve local living conditions using fact-based information.

Eine Hand hält ein Smartphone, im Hintergrund ist eine Stadtsilhouette. Auf dem Display sind Balkendiagramme zu sehen.


Municipal Open-Data Network

Together with Difu, the German institute for urban affairs, we’ve initiated a digital, municipal Open-Data Network. The meetings, which take place online, are designed primarily for public administrators and other local-level stakeholders. We also organize a BarCamp once a year.

Blick vom hinteren Ende des Saals auf die Barcamp-Teilnehmer und Moderatoren des Open-Data-Barcamps.

Open Data

Sample Data Catalogue for open data in communities

Which data do communities publish as open data? The Sample Data Catalogue provides a helpful overview of the data that Germany’s cities and towns make freely accessible.

Blick in eine Fußgängerzone einer Stadt. Auf dem Foto sind noch eine grafische Linien, die an Datenströme erinnern.


Further Publications

"Data for Society" on Twitter